Why Should You Care About Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)?
Indoor air pollution from off-gassing, dust, and mold can contribute to Sick Building Syndrome, impaired cognition and learning in children, and long-term breathing issues such as Asthma and COPD. If your home has no way for pollutants to escape, you could be at risk. The good news is, there is a multitude of attainable solutions to add ventilation - even for older homes!
In the summer, natural air flow in a well-ventilated attic moves super-heated air out of the attic, protecting roof shingles and removing moisture and pollutants. Worried that this air will make your house cold in the winter? Don’t - the insulation will resist the heat transfer!
Proper ventilation is one of the most important aspects of a well-insulated home, and it is one of the first things we consider when looking at any home.